John Kedrowski, Northland science teacher, leads the Martial Arts club on Thursdays. Students begin by placing their backpacks and other belongings to the side as well as taking their shoes off. Students and Kedrowski sit in a circle, legs crossed, on the hard floor in the middle of the Northland Commons.
This is not your average science lesson, Kedrowski has a lot of experience with different types of martial arts.
“I got a fourth degree black belt in karate, a second degree black belt in jiu jitsu, and a first degree black belt in Filipino martial arts,” Kedrowski said.
With Kedrowski’s knowledge in martial arts, he is able to teach students what he knows. Such as footwork, and other things needed to do each move.

Kedrowski instructs the plan for that day. Each student is handed a piece of paper with a list of roughly 20 moves titled “Yawara Te”. He then demonstrates the footwork and movements needed to complete that move to the six students standing in the circle. The students partner up to attempt the move themselves, with the help of Kedrowski.
To wrap up the club, they reviewed what they learned and talked about what they were going to do the following Thursday.

If you are interested in being a part of this club, talk to Tate Haglund-Pagel to get it switched. If unable to, John Kedrowski also holds after school class for students in the Northland commons Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30.