New Drop-In Center in Superior opens for homeless and runaway youth
The Human Development Center in Superior holds an open house of its new drop-in center for homeless and runaway youth on Tuesday, December 20.
January 3, 2023
A new safe haven has been established in Superior for youth experiencing homelessness or runaway situations. A group known as Project Reach Out, based at the Human Development Center, or HDC, held an open house for a new homeless/runaway youth drop-in center on Dec. 20, 2023, at its building at 1500 North 34th Street, Suite 100.
“Runaway youth are one of the highest-risk populations to meet a trafficker, so we’re hoping that if they call us we can provide them with a safe, warm place to go until we can find a sheltering option for them, or reunite them back with their families,” said Tanya Nelson, Project Reach Out’s supervisor.
The drop-in center holds various amenities and activities for youth to keep themselves busy and safe while their situation is being sorted out, such as a TV with a PlayStation 5, free WiFi, a free store – containing clothes, food, and snacks – and free hygiene, such as a shower and a washer and dryer.
“The community has asked and has told us that this is something that is very important for our youth and our young adults,” said Katie Modin, runaway and homeless youth coordinator, and member of Project Reach Out.

Since the open house, the drop-in center has had many youth and visitors come in and enjoy the services provided, and according to Nelson, the showers have especially been put to use by the chronically homeless youth they help with.
Project Reach Out, who helps to advocate and prevent homeless and runaway youth issues in the area, is the only group of its kind, based in the Superior division of the HDC. Nelson, currently the organization’s supervisor, has worked with the organization for eight years.
“Now that we have our drop-in center, youth can access all the services in one building,” Nelson said.
Modin, a homeless/runaway youth coordinator for HDC, also works with Project Reach Out. Modin says that the group’s intent is not only to help youth in a time of need, but also build meaningful connections with them and assure them someone is there for them.
“A lot of the things we do for youth are referral services, but I feel like the most important thing could just be that person-to-person connection, and once that trust is built, then things can really start moving forward in a positive direction,” she said.

The drop-in center, on open days, is available for youth between the ages of 12-21, between the hours of 3-7 P.M.
If you are a youth in Superior experiencing homelessness or the aftermath of a runaway, reach out to the HDC’s 24/7 hotline at (715) 394-9177. To check up on Project Reach Out, and to see what dates the drop-in center is opened and what events are planned, check out the organization’s Facebook page.