According to Wikipedia, passion is when someone “denotes strong and intractable or barely controllable emotion or inclination with respect to a particular person or thing.” Jake Smith significantly resembles passion for his eagerness to educate his students and basketball players in our community
Although I don’t play any sports, sports are a big part of my life. I’ve met and seen many different kinds of coaches and players, but Smith has been one of the only ones who truly loves what he does.
Smith is a former UWS basketball guard who set records and inspired many during his time there. He then moved on to become head coach of the varsity basketball team at Superior High School for nine years. After leaving the varsity team as head coach, Smith decided he wasn’t done with his coaching career quite yet.
“Basketball has been such a big part of my life, so the moment my playing career was over I realized I still wanted to stay apart of the game somehow.” said Smith
Smith is not only an motivating coach but also an motivating teacher at Superior High School. He teaches ninth grade math and uses coaching tactics in the classroom. This has helped him build lifelong relationships with kids.

The first time I met Smith he was coaching my brother and his team at a basketball tournament. In between games the players, coaches, and parents all hangout before the next game. Smith instantly welcomed me to talk to him, and not only talked sports with me, but also asked how other things in my life were going.
When Smith interacts with people, he is always making them excited to come back and talk to him the next day.
“The relationships with the players, there’s nothing better than that, getting to know guys and being around them.” said Smith
My dad Ed Schultz, has been coaching with Smith since 2021. They have turned into great coaching buddies that go to each other for everything. My brother Nate Schultz has been playing under their wings since they started coaching.
“He has a very big passion towards the game of basketball and teaching these young kids, and that’s inspiring for everyone.” said Ed Schultz
Everytime my dad and my brother come home from practice or a game, they instantly start talking about Smith. They usually are saying something about how exciting the game was with him after a big win or a new drill they love that he showed at practice.
“He’s a very caring person, who cares about every single kid. He enjoys every kid and is always trying to make them better.” said Nate Schultz.
But not only is Smith impacting his players, but also his former students and his current students. Those kids leave his class feeling cared about because Smith makes sure to go above and beyond for them.
“He always went the extra mile, and worked with you to understand the content to the best of your ability. But he was also interested in learning about every student’s life. He made the class fun and enjoyable as a first year high schooler.” said junior Nolan Bird, Smith’s former student.
Whether it’s Smith’s players or students he wants them to feel like they are a part of something, to make them feel welcome. Relationships with these kids are a key part of how he connects so well with them.
“Just talking to the kids at practice, like when we get there I try to make a point to go over to each kid, give them a high five, put my arm around them, ask them about their school day, how their weekend went as if we didn’t have a tournament. But just going above and beyond for the kids whether it’s my students or players.” Said Smith
The impact that he has not only made on the young generation but also the superior community is something we will all remember forever.