In the beginning of the 2023 school year, the library team, including librarian Jodie Wright, noticed an increased number of students checking out books. Wright noticed the increase in books being checked out in the first few weeks of the new school year.
In the first week of school, students were checking out books which was usual for the people eager to have access to a library. Although, in the second week, the amount of books being checked out continued to increase, and it followed that trend moving forward.
“I definitely saw a lot more 9th graders than normal checking out books right away at the beginning of the year, but it quickly evened out across the grades,” Wright said.

The freshman class was the first class noticed to be utilizing the library, but as the school year has progressed students from the sophomore, junior and senior classes have also taken the time to check out books.
More students have been using their mornings to check out books, which wasn’t as commonly seen last year.
“I’m just excited to see more kids checking out books,” Wright said.
Students have used more of the school’s resources as a way to keep themselves entertained. Books can be used during downtime in classes as an alternative to a phone.
Junior Kaitlyn Forester has used the library as a resort for books and resources for other classes.
“The library is a great resource for students looking for books for class or fun,” Forester said.
Librarian Jodie Wright is kept busy with the work around the library but is pleased with the increased number of books being checked out by more students.