Bentleyville opened on Nov. 18 for its 20th Anniversary at Bayfront Park.
Regina Fodness, a volunteer for Bentleyville, has helped out for the past 10 years. She says that Bentleyville brings visitors to Duluth. She finds it special that it brings joy to people. Her family attends this event at least once a year, her son helps setting up and tearing it down.
“A lot of people get married, engaged, and have gender reveal parties at Bentleyville, it’s just so magical,” said Fodness.
Bentleyville started off as a small light show at Nathan Bentley’s home in Cloquet. He moved this event to Bayfront in 2008.

(Josiah Payne )
Bentleyville has become a tradition throughout the years, and it’s a must go during the holidays.
Senior Abby Betzler has helped out with Bentleyville as her community service for 2 years and will continue to volunteer this year. She’s been going to Bentleyville since she was born, and says it’s a tradition for people in Superior and Duluth. She likes the vibe and the Christmas feeling with all of the lights up and the music.
“You don’t see giant lights everywhere you go, and it’s a happy feeling, how can you not be happy,” said Betzler.
Bentleyville has 5 million lights all around Bayfront, and takes lots of hard work by volunteers with setting up.
Assistant principal, Heidi Sigfrids, has taken her kids every year since they were little to Bentleyville, even during COVID, when it was a drive through light show. She loves that it’s something that people enjoy, and what she can experience with her kids.
“It’s a fun way to connect with students, and seeing them help out with the community,” Sigfrids said.
Bentleyville has snacks provided in the park like hot chocolate, cookies, popcorn, and roasting marshmallows.

(Josiah Payne)
Junior Madison Eastman has helped with Bentleyville for 3 years as her community service in the gift shop. She says that Bentleyville makes her feel good helping out with the community.
“It has always been my favorite since I was a kid, and it’s the only place that’s close that has a big light show,” Eastman said.
Enjoying the holidays with friends and family is Bentleyville’s goal, and this year they added more places for photos.
Sophomore Veronica Acurero has also been going to Bentleyville since she was little, and looks forward to it every year with taking pictures, and the food. She’s super excited to go again this year with friends, and considers Bentleyville a tradition.
“Christmas is really important to me, I just love going to see the lights and being in the Christmas spirit with the ones I love,” said Acurero.
Bentleyville opens at 5 p.m. everyday and closing varies between 9 and 10 p.m. Parking at Bentleyville is $10, but Canal Park is just a few minutes away from Bentelyville, with available parking, which is mostly free.