I’m sure many of you have heard the saying “follow your own path”. Well, I’ve been dreaming about going to a good college since a young age, but before now, I hadn’t even considered any. The older I grew the less I believed I would travel for college. I tried to accept it because I figured traveling might not be an option and I wanted to think more realistically.

When you’re young you believe you can go anywhere and be anything. I always thought I’d go to a crazy good college across the country. As I grew older my family began to question if I still had big dreams for college. My answer would have been a firm yes at the age of ten, but nowadays it’s been more of an “I don’t know”.
Of course the thought of going across the country still sparked my attention, but I kind of just assumed it wouldn’t be realistic. Being in Boston brought me back to a younger version of me: the girl that wanted to go places and follow her own path. The city gave me hope for a future outside of Wisconsin, and leaving Boston now, I feel more purpose to reach for the future I’ve always wanted.
The first two days were eye opening experiences. Singers and musicians filled streets with hundreds of local shops and people. Sessions lasted part of our day and the rest we reserved for walking and exploring. From “How to write like Taylor Swift” to “Sports writing”, sessions were filled with journalists from all around the country. We met new people and learned creative techniques to make us better journalists.
After the sessions ended there’s no doubt we were walking around the city. I specifically remember our walk to Quincy Market on the third day. It was so peaceful and fulfilling, like every person had places to be, but weren’t worried about getting there quickly. We were surrounded by historical buildings and sites that made what would’ve been a boring walk an interesting one. I began to picture myself here a few years from now. The cool air made me feel the comfort of home, while the sites kept me intrigued by everything Wisconsin doesn’t have to offer.
We visited Harvard on our final day. Everything about it was so moving. It showed me something no other cities could. I remember walking into the campus in awe of how beautiful and welcoming it felt. I know going to Harvard is not something that would happen for me, but it introduced me to what a Boston college would look like, and from what I learned, it’s the place to be.
As I fell in love with the city, I fell in love with what my future would look like. Boston made me find my path. Life changing opportunities like this are rare, which is why I’m so grateful to have been offered this experience. Maybe my future won’t lead me to Boston, but something about the city felt different than any other.