Influential Person Nominee
Nikkee Francisco: Teacher with a Heart of Gold
Nikkee Francisco chatting with football player Quinn Dahl on Sep. 13, 2019. They walk together as their names get called for teacher appreciation week.
June 2, 2023
The first time I met Francisco was on the second or third day of school my freshman year. I transferred to her class because I had some extra room to fill. Honestly I really did not want an art class because I did not feel connected to drawing and painting, or any other Art 1 stuff.
At first I was nervous to be in her class. She had a loud personality, a good kind of loud, but it still scared me. Almost immediately I warmed up to her. She was welcoming and if I needed anything she was always there by my side giving me advice on what to do. She would talk about school related stuff and my personal stuff too. We got to the point where we could tell if one of us was having a bad day. She always asked me what was wrong or if there was anything she could do. She was never pushing me to tell her anything though. She let me go through stuff at my own pace and if I decided to tell her then she would be there to listen. She helped me enjoy art, which I did not think could happen.
Francisco made me want to stay in art, or more specifically an art class she was teaching, so I signed up for Ceramics 1. This year, even though she was dealing with getting ready to have a baby, she still helped me just as much, maybe even more. At the art show, Francisco and my mom started talking and I remember Francisco saying “This girl meets me halfway, so I am willing to put in the effort for her too.”
Since Francisco left, she welcomed her amazing baby boy Oliver to the world, Ceramics has not felt the same. When I have questions I can not go to her about them, and I am not able to get the answers I need either. Francisco is an important part of my life and when I don’t get to see her my mood changes. She lightens my day every time I see her, and that is why I think she is the most influential person in this school.
Sophomore Paige Johnson said Francisco has impacted her life drastically in the short semester they have known each other. Francisco immediately made Johnson feel welcomed and like family, while still holding her authoritative position.
Johnson found herself going to Francisco’s class whenever she could to say hi.
“She is able to keep the spirits up while not brushing off any issues that her students have, which I think is very important when it comes to teaching,” Johnson said.
The room is quieter without Francisco’s music and constant buzz around the room. It has been difficult for Johnson to keep her determination to continue with her projects without Francisco there. Johnson feels Francisco has done a good job letting her students know what she expects through powerschool, and staying open with everyone.
“It really helps her absence feel less sudden,” Johnson said.
Junior Alex Lane has Francisco for Ceramics 2 in first hour. A lot of times Lane will come to school in a bad mood, but Francisco always notices and puts in her best effort to get Lane in a good mood.
The first year Lane did ceramics Francisco was really supportive in helping Lane get better at it and know what she was doing.
Lane has fun while she is around Francisco and said she brightens the mood up.
“Ugh she needs to be back,” Lane said.
Francisco has influenced so many people, many of which I did not get the chance to interview. She makes positive interactions everywhere she goes and is kind to everyone she talks to. She is constantly helping others with her career and is willing to go the extra mile when it comes to something or someone she cares about.