Influential Person Nominee
Bill Reynolds: The Einstein of Today
Science teacher Bill Reynolds teaches a scientific formula to his class May 16.
June 2, 2023
Science teacher Bill Reynolds has been working at our school for the past 13 years. He currently teaches ninth grade physical science. Besides just teaching science, I would say he is one of the most influential people in our school.
Whenever I’m having a horrible day he lets me hang out in his room for a bit and play my music to unwind. He checks in and makes sure that I’m doing okay.
Even though he’s not my teacher anymore he has spent his prep period helping me understand the concepts in my biology class. Even though science has never been my strong suit, he never held that against me and always tried to help me learn.
While I was in ninth grade, I wasn’t the best student and would commonly go on my phone during his class. Once my science grade began to drop, I tried to turn it around. He immediately tried to teach me what I missed, even though I didn’t deserve the extra help.
By the end of retaking tests, and doing all of the labs I missed, I managed to finish the class with an A. Most teachers would not have been willing to put in all of the extra effort.
Reynolds was able to make class fun while still keeping control of his students. In an interview with Sophomore Maggie Lehto she spoke about her experience being one of his past students.

“He let me be very independent but would still help, which made me work better. He was also very laid back but strict when he had to be. He let me take breaks when I needed them, and was always very understanding” Lehto said.
He was never the type of teacher to prioritize busy work over learning. He would teach us the things that actually mattered. When we were taking notes he would have us write down shortcuts so we would actually remember the important things.
“He always seems happy to see me, he’s a very nice person, and a really great teacher,” Lehto said.
Even when Reynolds is telling you you need to go back to class, he’s never mean about it. He listens to me rant and then kindly tells me to go learn. I and many others appreciate him much more than he knows. Reynolds is a very valuable and influential person at our school.