From Flaherty to Fezzey
Assistant Principal of the Middle School Aaron Fezzey poses with 8th grader Kacey Bachand on May 3 2022.
June 3, 2022
SHS welcomes Aaron Fezzey as head Principal.
“I’m super excited to go to the high school, it’s been my goal to be a principal,” Fezzey said.
Fezzey was chosen by the interviewing board which consisted of Superintendent Amy Starzecki, Assistant Principal Tate Haglund-Pagel, Curriculum Director Crystal Hintzman, and other staff members.
All candidates have a very rigorous interview process. The interviewing team all decided that Fezzey was the best candidate. In the interviewing process, all candidates provided information about why they are the best candidate. Starzecki sent out a survey to all teachers to identify the priorities of a principal. Some of these things that they were looking for were strong visible leadership, good discipline, communication with students, staff, and families. Fezzey met all of the criteria of what teachers wanted in a principal. Fezzey has been involved with the district for over a decade and spent a short time at the middle school.
“Leaving the middle school is bittersweet, you never want to leave,” Fezzey said.
Fezzey wants to get to the high school and communicate right away. Along with that he plans to talk with teachers, students, and other staff to see what’s going to work and what hasn’t worked in terms of disciplinary action and how the school runs. Fezzey wants to pull everything together and create a community. He believes school spirit and positive vibes in the building really create a big impact on learning. Fezzey also wants to empower students and create a plan that works.He said that he would like to start having meetings starting this summer with staff and students.
“As much as teachers and staff can do, I really believe that students hold the key to the learning environment,” Fezzey said
Along with being a principal, Fezzey is an assistant coach in the football program. His job is to coach the Offensive Line. Fezzey travels to every game he can get to and is at every practice.
“He’s an amazing coach, Fezzey seems like he’s a great leader and teaches people. He has very strong discipline and will help keep things in line here,” freshman Jack Milliken said.
Sophomore Nick Zauhar said that he believes that Fezzey is a sociable guy who is really good at building strong individual relationships with students and kids.