District 9 candidates speak to Spin
February 25, 2022
Spartan Spin interviewed District 9 candidate Mark Johnson Feb. 11 for its weekly webcast. Spartan Spin also interviewed Travis Leksell, another candidate for District 9, via text message Feb. 23. The following is a transcript from Leksell’s interview. The questions are the same as those given to Johnson.

Travis Leksell
Spin: What are some policies you are hoping to achieve if you are elected?
Leksell: Public safety is huge to me, I want to make sure our police and fire department are fully funded. That includes training and the tools they need to do their jobs. Building maintenance is huge. Also [we need to keep] continuing training and educating our police officers and fire department.
Spin: What are your thoughts on local business, and how will you help local businesses?
Leksell: I also want to attract small and large business growth. I would help Superior grow in a way where people drive over to Superior for a change. I want there to be things for kids, young adults to do in Superior. I am a new dad. I would take my kid to places in Superior where she can have fun and meet other kids. Kids will always be the future.
Spin: How is city government different from state or national government?
Leksell:There are definitely differences. A big one is the state government has to look at the entire state of Wisconsin and do what is best with the state. Local government is trying to do what’s best for the city. That is why I am running for city council. I am not doing this to benefit me. I am doing this for Superior. I want Superior, Wisconsin, to be a better place.
Spin: What are your thoughts on young citizens, primarily students and how can they get involved in their community?
Leksell: I agree with my opponent that we need to hear what our younger generations has to say and the ideas they have. Our city council meetings are open to the public. I would encourage people young or old who have ideas to come and be a voice, or better yet, get involved.
Mark Johnson
Spin: What are some policies you are hoping to achieve if you are elected?
Johnson: I hope to have an increased interest in our natural resources and make sure businesses are growing in Superior. As well, I want youth having a voice on issues that they are concerned about.
Spin: What are your thoughts on local business, and how will you help local businesses?
Johnson: I want young people to remain in Superior and have the opportunity to start up businesses that will benefit the community. As well, I want to make sure businesses continue to grow and have a voice at city hall.
Spinl: How is city government different then state or national government?
Johnson: The greatest thing about local government is that your voice is heard and matters.
Spin: What are your thoughts on young citizens, primarily students and how can they get involved in their community?
Johnson: It’s very important, understanding what the issues are, bringing their voices ahead, registering to vote. Voting is the biggest thing that young people can do that often doesn’t happen. Whether you are 18 or not, you still have a voice in what happens in our city.