School may go-to online, but sports cannot
Senior athlete Brennan Morrissey looks outside at a sunny afternoon from his dining room table.
May 20, 2020
For almost all high school athletes, every season is fun and something to look forward to; but nothing is supposed to compare to your senior season. As a senior athlete myself, all the hard work I have put in for years and all the sacrifices I have made, they all seem like they are for nothing. This was supposed to be the major year for memories and success. As seniors, we all envision our years ending in glory, celebrating with our friends as we accomplish a major life milestone. These senior athletes have been working hard for 4 years, and now is the time where all that hard work is supposed to pay off. Dealing with the coronavirus and quarantine has thrown all these hopes and dreams into jeopardy.
This spring season has taken its toll on the athletes who would previously have participated in their sports at this time. The track and field team is an extremely large team at Superior Highschool, containing over 50 athletes who compete in JV and Varsity meets. Headlining these athletes losing their seasons is Iain Matheson, who is a Senior and a Captain hopeful. Not only was he looking to be a captain, but also gunning for a state berth in the 400m sprint race. For Iain, this year is “completely different, if I was a junior I would, of course, be disappointed, but I’d know I still have another year.” Last year Iain was two places away from going to state in the 400m dash, and now, his time has improved by over a second. This makes him a likely candidate for a state appearance.
Another team looking to make it to the state tournament was the baseball team. This team is headlined by college-bound athletes like Gunnar Hansen, Joey Barker, and Riley Rehnstrand. Rehnstrand is going to Bryant and Stratton College in southern Wisconsin. This is an NJCAA Division II school. This team was hungry to get back to the diamond this year, as the leading hitters on last year’s team were all juniors, who are now seniors. Rehnstrand believes that “with such a strong class, it would be hard to accept anything less than a deep playoff run. With all the school closures now, that run will forever be locked away in the realm of what could have been