A day in the life of social isolation
Internet speeds are slower due to millions of people staying home. Slower internet speeds have a profound impact on families who are in areas where the internet is not as strong.
May 18, 2020
In the case of a zombie apocalypse, I think that my family would be one of the safest in Superior. Not only do I live in the county, but I also have 40 acres of land full of woods and the Nemadji River.
I come into contact with the same four people every day – my aunt, my step-mom, my dad and my sister. If it weren’t for my dad and my aunt who both have jobs in the automotive industry, we would have little to no risk of contracting COVID-19.
Because I live 15 minutes outside of Superior where there is a slow internet connection, school work is very hard for me to complete. My morning starts off by waking up by 10:30 am. I read my emails and go to Google Classroom. While my internet tries very desperately to load my assignments, I get up, get dressed and let my dog outside to do her business.
I walk to the kitchen and grab breakfast. By the time my dog has come back inside and we have retreated to my room, the assignments have usually loaded.
I spend the next 45 minutes eating breakfast and looking over my assignments. I don’t do all of my assignments right away when they are posted because I do them at night.
Between 11:00 a.m. and noon, I am doing chores around the farm. At noon, I walk to the end of my long driveway to get lunch. The school buses bring most of the students that live on the outskirts of Superior their lunch for that day and breakfast for the next morning. The school also has pick-up spots for this too, such as Walmart and SuperOne.
From about 12:45 p.m. to 4 p.m. is the time that my step-mom likes to call “elective class hours.” This includes Home Ec. (baking, laundry or other cleaning chores) and art. During this time we push away our phones and we connect with each other. I rarely talk to anyone online during this time.
After dinner and chores are done is when I take advantage of where I live and I exercise. This could include dancing, biking or going for a run on my deserted county road.
Around 11 p.m. is when I go “to bed”. This is where my days are usually split into two. Some days, I go to sleep peacefully at around midnight.
But most of the days, I go hours into late nights/early mornings working on work for my classes. With no one connected to the internet, most websites load at least 60% faster. Also at night, I have nothing to distract me but myself.
I am lucky that when I am feeling down late at night, I have some friends that I can talk to. Especially during this pandemic, I urge everyone to reach out to people if you are having a hard time.