SHS Students saving lives
Senior Jessica Sundquist lays back on a cot inside the Memorial Blood Centers donation truck during her donation session on Dec. 13.
December 16, 2019
According to Memorial Blood Centers, every two seconds across America someone needs donated blood. Whether it be a cancer patient, trauma victims, patients with a very weak immune system or a person surviving a major illness alternate blood may be needed.
After unexpected major snowstorms and severe weather, the Memorial Blood Centers were left “dangerously low” on blood to give to 34 hospitals around Minnesota and western Wisconsin. This means that they had equal to or less than a twenty-four hour supply.
In order to help the cause, over 50 Spartans stepped up to the plate to donate their own blood Dec. 13, including some that were nervous to do so.
“I hate needles,” Senior Clarice Aho, a four-time donator said. “But it would be even more scary to know that you may not get the medical treatment you need. I do it to save lives and make a difference.”
Each donor had donated one unit of blood, which is approximately one pint. Just one donation can help save three lives.
“Do the math,” coordinator and business teacher Donna Stubbe said. “50 students, 3 lives a bag. That is 150 lives saved by kids at the Superior High School.”
Other teachers shared testimonials about the importance of blood drives to their lives. One that spoke out was science teacher Bill Reynolds about his wife.
“At first, the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong,” Reynolds said. “She had to receive seven pints (of blood). If it wasn’t for the donated blood, she wouldn’t be here today. I encourage those to donate blood if they can.”
For anyone interested in donating, there will be two more drives this school year for those ages 16 and up on Friday, Mar. 13 and Friday, May 8. Further information will be released on how to sign up closer to the drives.