Senior does well
Senior uses the opportunity of the senior project to raise funds for the Thirst Project.
Dezaray Haberling presenting her senior project, raising funds for the Thirst Project, to the Superior Optimist Club at their weekly meeting on April 17.
April 29, 2019
Dezaray Haberling presented her senior project Superior Optimist Club at their weekly meeting on April 17.
For Dezaray Haberling’s senior project she had desired to make a change by raising money for the Thirst Project, a non-profit that brings safe drinking water to communities who have a lack thereof. The Thirst Project builds wells all across Africa. Water insecurity commonly causes the spread of disease across this continent.
Haberling’s goals were to raise awareness about water insecurity around the world and to raise funds for the Thirst Project. The inspiration of her project came from her mother, who studied abroad in Nicaragua. When her mother returned, she spoke of how there were families that struggled to have access to clean water.
“I am more grateful now for how easy my life is in the area of water security,” Haberling said.
Haberling has also been a member of Amnesty International since her sophomore year.
Haberling conducted a fundraiser within the northland commons area Feb. 12-15, setting up games such as plinko, bowling, cookie walk, clothespin drop and ring toss. In order to participate in these games it cost either $.25 or $.50. There was also a competition between the Northland advisories and whoever raised the most money was awarded a pizza or ice cream party.
The event raised a total of $270, which will go to ten people to have safe and clean water for the rest of their lifes.
“Choosing this organization I knew that a small amount of money could make a difference in someone’s life,” Haberling said.
Junior Niya Wilson is a Youth Optimistand had the opportunity to watch Haberling’s presentation.
“Dezaray’s presentation opened my eyes to the harsh reality of water insecurity and inspired me to look into this problem,” Wilson said.
Haberling is looking into careers that will give her the opportunity to help others on a daily basis. She is hoping to join the ambassador program in the future after furthering her education.