Upward bound leads student to college
Sophomore Jessica Davis studies in the UWS Library on Feb. 28. She is learning great study habits that can be used for college.
March 18, 2019
With her Grandparents explaining how important education was after high school, sophomore Jessica Davis knew she wanted to be the first in her family to graduate from college. So when Angie Hugdahl, the director of the Upward Bound program, came into Davis’ math class in the spring of her eighth grade year, explaining its many benefits and educational goals, she was very intrigued. Soon after that, Davis applied for the program.
“I knew if I was going to college, I would need to take every opportunity that came my way,” Davis said.
Upward Bound is an after school program where high school teens meet every Thursday at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. There they get help with their schoolwork and learn great study habits to get good grades. Once a month, there is Saturday Academy, where for seven hours, these teens get to listen to different important lectures about college readiness. Some Saturdays, the group does Community Service.
“The Community Service offers good educational experiences that teaches us good morals and a plus is that it looks great for scholarships applications,” Davis said.
In December, Davis volunteered for Habitat For Humanity, a nonprofit organization that helps low income families build affordable houses. There, she learned all of the hard work Habitat For Humanity does for the community. She worked for over seven hours.
“Upward Bound has introduced me to new people who have helped me through my educational journey,” Davis said.
Davis said that one of the many benefits that might not be as easily seen are the friends you make in the program. A strong network develops over all those days spent together.
Davis, with help of the Upward Bound program and a future college education, hopes to become a historian.