Girls basketball bounces back to season
Seniors Chloe Kintop (left) and Maddy Myer twirl their basketballs in the gymnasium on Nov 16. Myer and Kintop are both part of the basketball team.
November 20, 2018
Senior shooting guard Maddy Myer started playing girls basketball in 6th grade. Her older brother Brandon Myer inspired her to play. When she entered high school she made varsity right away.
“I wouldn’t have played in high school if it wasn’t for Coach Stariha,” Myer said.
When Myer found out that the coach was physical education teacher Dave Kotny put Myer on the roster again this year, she was excited. Pointwise, her personal goal this year is to have at least 10 points per game. Myer also hopes to make it to state with her team. Even though last year her team only made it to the first round and lost, Myer is confident that she is going to make state.
“Who doesn’t want to make state,” Myer said.
Myer is a very important part of the basketball team, without her the team would have to forfeit. She wouldn’t have made it to the playoffs without the team captain and point guard, senior Chloe Kintop. Kintop has been a part of basketball since she was in 2nd grade. Her two older sisters are the ones who inspired her to start playing basketball.
“It felt required at first,” Kintop said. “But now I enjoy playing for what it is.”
Kintop made and started varsity as a freshman, just like Myer had. As captain, this year Kintop wants her players to respect one another. She also expects them to be dedicated whether they’re on the court or off the court. Even though Kintop is the captain of the team, she believes that everyone has a leading role.
“Whether you’re starting or not, you are still a leader,” Kintop said.
This season Kintop hopes to make conference, and make it past the first round of the playoffs. Last year, they made the playoffs, but couldn’t get past the first round.
The girls basketball team is not perfect, which is understandable because no one person can be perfect by themselves. But if the team works together, then they might be perfect as a whole.
The first varsity girls home game is Dec. 4 at Superior High school at 7:15 PM.