Christian club distressed over Lunch and Learn being revoked
Juniors Spencer Gudowski and Gunnar Hansen face off in the 2nd floor balcony on November 6. The two hockey players are both participants in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club.
November 19, 2018
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is Lunch and Learn club that is advised by 9th grade Civics teacher James Hogan. He has been advising the FCA club for eleven years now. His inspiration for starting this club was his love of FCA camps in the summer. The club meets every Thursday during Lunch A.
The prohibition of Lunch and Learn was caused by a lot of students misbehaving, like vaping, juuling, and the physical violence. The restriction has caused so much distress between Christians in Superior High School. Junior Claudia Androsky, who is a part of FCA was convinced to come by her best friend also junior Abby Dolsen. Androsky was clearly upset when Lunch and Learn was canceled.
“Now I can’t go to FCA on Thursdays like I usually do.” Androsky said.
Androsky likes going to FCA because she can be with other people that won’t make fun of her for what she believes in. She had committed herself to Christ when she was in 8th grade. She was at a District Blitz for her youth group. District Blitz is a church youth conference that youth groups can attend. There are many speakers that talk to them and a Christian band that plays.
“The leader at this event really changed the course of my life.” Androsky said. “I’ve never been the same.”
Junior Gunnar Hansen is also a part of the FCA club. He was influenced Hogan because he had him as a teacher when he himself was a freshman. But Hogan isn’t the only one that influenced him. His mother, 6th grade Digital Literacy teacher Tara Hansen was a big advocate for Hansen going to this club. Hansen accepted Christ at a very early age. He was only 11 years old.
Senior, Lauren Raboin is yet another student associated with FCA. This is her second year in the club. She was influenced by her best friend senior Caleigh Jensen. She is currently a golfer/basketball player for SHS. Raboin likes going to FCA because she feels like she’s in a good family. She has a chance to connect with other people.
FCA is a vital part of the school community. It gives Christians a chance to give up one Lunch and Learn period to profess their faith and stick to it. It is as Hogan said…
“In the FCA group, we look to encourage students to grow in their Christian faith and their relationship with Jesus.”
The FCA club is a club great for the encouragement of Christian faith in the high school community.

Senior Lauren Raboin holding her lucky basketball in the SHS gymnasium on Nov 15. Raboin is also a part of the FCA club at SHS.