Northwestern and Superior High School now hold a co-op gymnastics team
Left to right, Sophomore Reese Deyo (Superior), Sophomore Kylie Benesch (Northwestern), and Sophomore Adrianne Krueger (Superior) on the uneven bars practicing with the co-op team.
November 16, 2018
Superior High School sophomore Adrianne Krueger and Northwestern High School sopohomore Kylie Benesch are going to be on the same gymnastics team for the 2018-19 sports season.
Starting this year, 2018-19 season, Northwestern High School and Superior High School agreed on a co-op gymnastics team for Superior. There are six Northwestern students that joined, and twelve Superior girls, making the team a total of 18 girls.
Krueger and Benesch are excited to be able to do gymnastics together again, “Kylie and I used to do gymnastics together a couple years ago, and I’m excited that we can finally be on the same team again.” said Krueger.
Giving the Northwestern students the opportunity to join the Superior gymnastics team was a benefit for the girls on the team for multiple reasons. “I used to be on the Twin Ports Gymnastics team, but it was all year round, and with school, work, and other sports, it got to be a lot of work. I’m also excited that I can be on the same team with my friends from a different school, that’s one of the things that I’m most excited about.”said Benesch.