Common Likes of the Spartan Commons
Students gather in the Commons during Lunch A on October 19.
October 30, 2018
Sophomore Gavin Tetzlaff is a student that appreciates the aspects of the new Spartan Commons.
“It’s way more open than the old lunchroom… “Last year, the ceiling was so low, I thought the roof was going to land on top of me,” Tetzlaff said.
Tetzlaff isn’t the only person that likes the new Commons. Sophomore Adrianne Krueger likes the new commons as well, Krueger says that she likes the tables and how round they are.
“With these roundtables, I can see my friends better,” Krueger said.
Krueger says she likes the open layout and how that when the dismissal occurs, it is organized. When Krueger walks down to the Commons she doesn’t have to worry about getting lost because everywhere she would need to go (except for classrooms) are right there.
The Spartan Commons are not perfect, that’s obvious. But it is good enough that people can deal with it and its imperfections? At least there is a Commons. Last year, the cafeteria was in one spot, the library was in another. Things were all over the place. Now there is an organized hallway, with the lunchroom, the library, and the kitchen altogether.