Campbell’s Music
American Government teacher Marc Campbell plays Open Arms by Journey during passing time on Dec. 7.
December 8, 2017
Marc Campbell, American Government and Ap Government teacher, was sitting in his classroom four years ago listening to music during his prep time. As students started to file into his room, Campbell started to hear how they liked coming into a room that was not filled with silence.
“After hearing all the students comments coming into my classroom I started a little experiment with the students,” Campbell said.
Campbell plays different varieties of music every day during passing time. His music ranges from country to heavy metal. He listens for the students who would walk by singing the songs they knew or saying that is a new song they liked.
Campbell has never had people come up to him personally saying that the volume level was a problem, but he has had students complain about the types of music he plays.
“I don’t particularly like the genres that he plays, but I don’t mind the loud music. I wish that he would play more rap,” said sophomore Jaxon Crary.
Despite comments against his music taste, Campbell does not plan on stopping the music anytime soon.