From annual ice cream socials to yoga to alleged 180 year old house guests – Fairlawn Mansion has activities for everyone.
Fairlawn Mansion; built in 1890 by lumber industry tycoon and three time Mayor Martin Pattison. The American castle served as a private residence for Pattison and his family for 30 years. Pattison eventually passed away in the mansion in December of 1918. Two years later his wife Grace and their youngest daughter Lois moved to California and donated the victorian mansion to Superior Children’s Home and Refuge Center.
The residence served as a children’s home from 1920-1962 housing hundreds of children throughout those 42 years. Boys and girls were separated by floor with kids of varying ages and backgrounds.
Following 1962, the city of Superior bought the home and converted it into a tourist attraction in the 1990s. The friendly guides of Fairlawn have been giving tours and providing information ever since.
It is not uncommon for employees and guests alike to feel as though they are not alone in the 107 year old house.
There have been two recorded deaths inside the walls of the victorian mansion. Pattison died in his bed which still resides in the house ever since. In addition, to a janitor who died of a heart attack inside the home.
Current Superior Public Museums Manager Jordan Stish has heard doors slamming at odd hours while opening and closing. In addition Fairlawn’s security system occasionally picks up on movement while the house is empty.
While driving on U.S Highway 2, bedroom lights in Martin’s room can be seen lit long after closure.
The most active areas of the house include Martin’s bedroom and office. Footsteps are common, as well as being reportedly able to smell Pattison’s cigar smoke. A server’s bell can also be heard on occasion, despite being disconnected years prior.
In addition to the bathroom outside of Martin’s office, faint whispering and laughing can be heard from outside the door, chillingly after the museum has closed. These repeated unexplained events have caused employees to refuse to use that bathroom, opting for bathrooms elsewhere.
Community Opportunities:
Do you want to take your Prom pictures in a 19th century mansion? Want to enjoy free ice cream and a tour? Are you 16 or older looking for a part time job and enjoy history? Want to do a flashlight tour while the house is in “Victorian Mourning?” All of the above are available through Fairlawn!
“Don’t knock it (Fairlawn) until you try it.” Stish added.
Check out their website here for more information.
Robert Grenier • Jan 28, 2025 at 3:01 pm
I was wondering what Victorian mourning is